Saturday, November 19, 2022

UPSC PRELIMS PYQS: Indus Valley Civilization

Q.1. Which one of the following ancient towns is well-known for its elaborate system of water harvesting and management by building a series of dams and channelizing water into connected reservoirs?     (2021)
(a)  Dholavira
(b) Kalibangan
(c) Rakhigarhi
(d) Ropar

Correct Answer is Option (a)

  • Dholavira was known for the Water Management
  • Surrounded by 2 channels, the natives had built dam, reservoir, step well and canal for effective water management

Q.2. Which one of the following is not a Harappan Site? (2019-I) 
(a) Chanhudaro 
(b) Kot Diji 
(c) Sohagaura 
(d) Desalpur

Correct Answer is Option (c)
Sohgaura Copper Plate: The earliest known copper plate, known as the Sohgaura copper plate, is a Mauryan record that mentions famine relief efforts. So it can't be a Harappan site, the answer is c.

Q.3. Which of the following characterizes/characterize the people of Indus Civilization? (2013 - I) 

  1. They possessed great palaces and temples. 
  2. They worshipped both male and female deities. 
  3. They employed horse-drawn chariots in warfare. 

Select the correct statement/statements using the codes given below. 
(a) 1 and 2 only 
(b) 2 only 
(c) 1, 2 and 3 
(d) None of the statements given above is correct

Correct Answer is Option (b)
Indus Valley people did not possess great palaces and temples rather the civilization was noted for its cities built of brick, roadside drainage system, and multistoried houses. Indus valley people were peace-loving. They were never engaged in any war. However, speculations have been rife that some tectonic forces destroyed the civilization. Some historians are of the view that invasion of Aryans, sea-level changes, earthquakes might have brought the civilization to its end therefore people employing horse-drawn chariots in warfare is not true. Moreover, Indus valley seals show swastikas, animals which are suggestive of their religious beliefs. In view of a large number of figurines found in the Indus valley, some scholars believe they worshipped the mother goddess symbolizing fertility. They worshipped a father God who might be a progenitor of the race and was probably a prototype of Siva as the Lord of the Animals.

Q.4. Regarding the Indus Valley Civilization, consider the following statements: (2011 - I)

  1. It was predominantly a secular civilization and the religious element, though present, did not dominate the scene 
  2. During this period, cotton was used for manufacturing textiles in India  

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 
(a) 1 only 
(b) 2 only 
(c) Both 1 and 2 
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Answer is Option (c)
We have read about the Mehrgarh cotton which is the earliest example of Cotton cultivation in the old world, older than the Peruvians. The cloth was made, and even dyed, so statement 2 is correct. The first statement is also correct and has been “lifted” from a famous history book.

Q.5. Match List-I (Ancient site) with List-II (Archaeological finding) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:  (2002)

(a) A – 1; B – 2; C – 3; D – 4
(b) A – 2; B – 1; C – 4; D – 3
(c) A – 1; B – 2; C – 4; D – 3
(d) A – 2; B – 1; C – 3; D – 4

Correct Answer is Option (b)


Q.6. Which one of the following animals has not represented seals and terracotta art of the Harappan culture?    (2001)
(a) Cow
(b) Elephant
(c) Rhinoceros
(d) Tiger

Correct Answer is Option (a)
Cow, camel, horse, and lion were not depicted on seals. Unicorn (bull) was the animal most commonly represented on the seals.

Q.7. What is the correct chronological order in which the following appeared in India? (1998) 

  1. Gold coins 
  2. Punch marked silver coins 
  3. Iron plough 
  4. Urban culture 

Select the correct answer using the codes given below: 
(a) 3, 4, 1, 2 
(b) 3, 4, 2, 1 
(c) 4, 3, 1, 2 
(d) 4, 3, 2, 1

Correct Answer is Option (d)
In India Indus Valley Civilization appeared the first signs of urbanization between 2500 and 2000 BCE. According to researchers, it is a hard fact that the earliest known specimen of iron ploughshare comes from Ganwaria in District Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh and dates from ca. 700 BC. The first documented coinage is deemed to start with 'Punch Marked' coins issued between the 7th-6th century BC and 1stcentury AD. It was the Indo Greeks who ruled a large part of NorthWestern India around 200 BC (2218 years ago) that first introduced coins made of Pure Gold in India before Kushans. Therefore, according to the question the correct chronological order of the event that appeared in India is 4, 3, 2 and 1.

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